Selections From Color Print USA 1998

In 1969, Texas Tech University Professor Lynwood Kreneck initiated “Color Print USA,” an annual exhibition intended to bring contemporary printmaking to Lubbock, Texas. Over more than four decades, the exhibition evolved from a juried format to one that was curated, often including the input of this students. Since its inception, more than 700 artists presented works in the exhibitions, nearly half of whom are now represented in the Texas Tech University Art Museum.
In 1998, to mark the 25th anniversary of the exhibition, Kreneck organized this portfolio Color Print USA 1998, which is comprised of original prints by artists representing every state in the United States of America. As part of the project, each participating artist arranged for an exhibition of the portfolio in their home state. In this way the portfolio was presented the same weekend in November 1998 in galleries and museums across the country. The Tennessee artist selected for the portfolio was UTK Professor Beauvais Lyons, who arranged for the portfolio to be presented as part of viewings held at the Hunter Museum of Chattanooga, the Cheekwood Fine Arts Center in Nashville, and the Ewing Gallery of Art and Architecture in Knoxville.
This exhibition includes etchings, lithographs, relief prints, and screenprints, and presents a representative selection of works from the portfolio. Included are several celebrated printmakers, including a rare collaborative etching by University of Wisconsin professors Warrington Colescott (1921-2018) and Francis Myers (1936-2014), as well as a work by Indiana University Professor Rudy Pozzatti (1925-2021).
The exhibition is on view on the second floor of the Art and Architecture Building, and may be seen anytime the building is open.
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