Media Pool
The Media Pool’s mission is to enrich the creative work of the School of Art community through equipment check-out, lab access, and instruction. We maintain a wide variety of digital and analog media equipment, a 3D makerspace (the smART Lab), and Photo/Video documentation studio.
To start renting, visit the Media Pool in the Art + Architecture Building room 343 with your student I.D. to create an account!
The Media Pool is a free service to faculty, staff, and students currently enrolled in a School of Art course. All other students may visit Hodges Library Equipment Checkout desk for media equipment rentals.
Contact the Media Pool office by phone (865-974-9230), email mediapool@utk.edu, or visit us in person with general questions about equipment, availability, policies, etc.
Hours and Access
Spring 2025 Media Pool Hours*
Monday— 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Tuesday— 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Wednesday— 8 a.m. –5 p.m.
Thursday— 8 a.m.– 5 p.m.
Friday— Closed.
Saturday— Closed
Sunday— Closed
Returns are due Mondays and Thursdays by noon.
*We will be closed on Mon/Wed from 2:00-2:30 for a brief window.
Your Financial Responsibility
By using the Media Pool, you accept full financial responsibility for any repair or replacement costs due to loss, damage, or theft. In such an event, checkout privileges will be suspended until item is replaced or paid for.
Access Details
Only students, faculty, and staff in the School of Art with an active account may use the Media Pool. Have your Volcard ready on each visit.
On your first visit, the Media Pool will need to add you to their checkout system and go over the Media Pool policies and procedures with you.
Contact the Media Pool office by phone (865-974-9230), email mediapool@utk.edu, or visit us in person with general questions about equipment, availability, policies, etc.
Information for Instructors
Instructors wishing to sign out equipment for in-class use should consult the Media Pool at least a week in advance to confirm availability.
It is the responsibility of the instructor to personally return all items in complete and working order by the assigned due date.
Your account must remain verified (actively receiving email communication from our system) in order to continue using the media pool.
Returns and Late Fees
Return your equipment by the time and date listed on your rental agreement. The individual borrowing equipment must also be the one to return it. This protects you from surprise late fees or damage charges.
Due to high equipment demand, the Media Pool will assess fines for all late returns based on the following groups:
- $6 per item per day—camera kits, audio recorders, lighting kits, projectors, room keys, tablets, or laptop kits.
- $4 per item per day—tripods, sewing machines, headphones, speakers, microphones.
- $3 per day for cables, adapters, batteries, memory cards, and any other item not already listed.
- Incomplete items and kits will be considered late until the missing parts are replaced or paid for.
- Extenuating circumstances preventing the timely return of equipment should be communicated to the Media Pool as soon as possible and may require proper documentation (doctors note, etc.). Plan accordingly to return equipment by or before the due date– class/work scheduling conflicts do not excuse late returns.
- Borrowers with 3 late returns will have privileges suspended or revoked for a minimum of 2 weeks. Suspended privileges will not excuse you from class deadlines.
- Late fees are processed by the Bursar’s office. Unpaid fees result in a freeze on course registration and academic records.
Extensions or renewals, though generally not allowed, will be considered on a case-by-case basis and require advanced faculty approval. All requests should be emailed directly from the instructor to the Media Pool prior to due date. Requests are not considered for past-due items.
Graduate students may utilize the Media Pool during winter and summer breaks.