Printmaking Students Create Book With Visiting Artist Wuon-Gean Ho

Using a variety of printmaking techniques, visiting artist Wuon-Gean Ho engaged students in the printmaking department to create a number of projects during her week here at the University of Tennessee School of Art.
The final project featured students and professors as subjects in a book that they created. Students participated in printing, folding, making the cover using the Letterpress, and making final decisions about stitching the books.
Thanks to Wuon-Gean Ho, editor of the IMPACT Printmaking Journal, published by the Centre for Print Research, University of the West of England, UK, who presented a public lecture while she was in Knoxville and led numerous class sessions. Her visit is supported by the Haines-Morris Endowment in the College of Arts and Sciences, the UT School of Art and the Betsy Worden Endowment and is coordinated in conjunction with the Cinema Studies Program and Asian Studies.
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