Yamamoto, Koichi

Area of Study
Koichi Yamamoto

Koichi Yamamoto, Kite.
Koichi Yamamoto explores graphic works and kite making. His investigation is discovering dynamic quality from static symmetry compositions.
“For communication, my choice of vehicle is kite and language is printmaking”.
Folding print is an efficient way to create bisymmetric images. Intaglio printing releases ample amount of ink from plate to paper and this makes it possible to reprint from paper to paper. By using these methods, he designs kites.
Yamamoto is a graduate of the University of Alberta (MFA 1999) and Pacific Northwest College of Art (BFA 1992). He has studied at the Bratislava Academy of Art (1994) and the Poznañ Academy of Art (1995). He has presented one-person exhibitions at Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, Rome, Italy (2019); Gallery Shoal Creek, Austin, Texas (2018); Stanislaus State University Gallery, Turlock, California (2018).
Recent juried print competitions that included his work have been the Impact 10 Enquentro, Santander, Spain (2018); Tribuna Graphics Art Museum of Cluji-Napoca, Romania (2018); International Biennial Print Exhibition ROC, Taichung, Taiwan (2016); ŁODŻ PRINTS International Print Biennale, Łodż, Poland (2016); Leonardo Sciascia Amateur d’estampes Milan, Italy (2016); 7th Bharat Bhavan International Biennial Print Art, New Delhi, India.
Commissioned works can be found at Senayan Square Fairmont Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia (2015); Alghunaim house, Kuwait City, Kuwait (2011).

Yamamoto has given public lectures at Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar, Doha, Qatar (2019); University at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York (2019); Colorado Collage, Colorado Springs, Colorado (2019); Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, Missouri (2016); Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York (2016).
Yamamoto earned tenure at Utah State University (2000-2006) and taught at the University of Delaware (2006-2007) before coming to UTK.
MFA, University of Alberta