MFA Student Chloe Wack: Internship at Penland School of Craft

Chloe Wack is currently a third-year graduate student in the School of Art with a concentration in Printmaking. Her practice spans printmaking, drawing, performance, video, and quilting. Chloe has assisted and taught in Foundations instructing Art 102: Introduction to Time-Based Art, and is currently instructing Art 264: Screen Printing 1.
This summer Chloe received a School of Art Scholarship supported by the Charles & Ann Pfitzer Scholarship Fund which allowed her to take a two-week workshop at Penland School of Craft. Chloe attended Behind the Seams taught by Paolo Arao and assisted by Kimberly English. The upper textiles workshop was focused on quilting and flag making as a way to convey meaning and personal significance in both representational and abstract forms.
As a primarily representational artist, she enjoyed the challenge of working more abstractly and thinking about the significance that specific colors hold in her work. During the workshop, she created several smaller flags and quilts as she learned piecing and applique techniques. Chloe’s final project was a large quilt which used color and overlapping shapes to represent the intersections and overlaps of friendship. She is grateful for the support of this scholarship and that she had the opportunity to attend this workshop and learn new skills, build new friendships, and experience the magic of a traditional Appalachian craft school.