Llhuros Symposium Videos Available

Four videos from the Llhuros Symposium 2022, an international event hosted by the University of Tennessee School of Art in conjunction with the Llhuros Project are now available. Held over Zoom on October 8, 2022, the symposium marked the 50th anniversary of Norman Daly’s “Civilization of Llhuros.”
Beauvais Lyons is a Chancellor’s Professor at UT, where he has taught printmaking since 1985. Lyons describes his own work, saying, “For the past four decades I have created academic parody in a variety of mediums. For much of this time I fabricated and documented imaginary cultures.”
It is not surprising that Lyons coordinated an all-day virtual event, hosted by the UT School of Art to mark the 50th anniversary of Norman Daly’s “Civilization of Llhuros.” He and over 120 artists and scholars discussed this pioneering multimedia work of archaeological fiction which had its first exhibition at Cornell University in 1972.
The videos from the symposium tell the story of Norman Daly whose work create an ancient civilization from scratch. In addition, they record the work of a wide group of scholars from a range of disciplines to reinspect the origins of fictive art and to identify the value of this artistic genre in speaking to individuals of this generation who are constantly challenged to sort out truth from deception.
Lyons reflected, “When millions of people are persuaded by alternate facts or conspiracy theories, we need art that helps them to spot misinformation. Exhibits such as this, which give viewers the opportunity to recognize the tools of deception – have particular relevance today.”
The Llhuros Symposium 2022 – Video #1 – Introduction, The Exhibition: Then and Now from UTKArt on Vimeo.
The Llhuros Symposium 2022 – Video #2 – Norman Daly the Educator from UTKArt on Vimeo.
The Llhuros Symposium 2022 – Video #3 – Llhuros as Paradigm from UTKArt on Vimeo.
The Llhuros Symposium 2022 – Video #3 – Llhuros as Paradigm from UTKArt on Vimeo.