Haley Takahashi and Zoe Brester-Pennings Study in Wroclaw, Poland

For more than 15 years the Printmaking Program in the UT School of Art has enjoyed an exchange with the Graphics Department at the E. Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław, Poland. The exchange, allows two students from each program spend a month as Artists-in-Residence at the other institution. Through this arrangement two UT graduate students spend four weeks in Wrocław each May and June, and two students from Wroclaw come to Knoxville each September. The timing of the exchanges take place so that participating students do not miss any coursework during the regular academic calendar at their home university/academy.
The current UT students participating in the exchange are Zoe Brester-Pennings and Haley Takahashi, who have both just completed her MFA degrees. During their residency they are working in the studios of the host institution, participating in classes and presenting an exhibition of their work.
Their two-person exhibition, titled Paper View opened Wednesday, May 31, 2023.
Zoe Brester-Pennings uses milk in her work to convey ideas of beauty, discomfort, impermanence, and humorously question femininity in her self-portraits. By presenting alternative versions of herself, she questions these ideas and explores aspects of hyper-femininity and sensuality.
Haley Takahashi is a Japanese-American artist who focuses on combining contemporary graphic techniques with traditional Japanese imagery, symbolism and art. He tries to understand his identity as a person of mixed heritage, as well as his family history and the importance of juxtaposing past and future to inspire social change.
On May 30, a photo report, included below, was created during a private vernissage at the Sztuka na Miejsce gallery in Wroclaw, Poland.
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