MFA, Ceramics Concentration
Situate your work in broader contemporary and historical artistic contexts.

Shape your future
The Master of Fine Arts degree in studio art with a concentration in ceramics is designed for students interested in sculptural and functional applications of clay. Our program promotes interdisciplinary exploration, and our students work with faculty across the School of Art and university. MFA students investigate clay preparation, clay finishing, and kiln firing methods used in traditional and contemporary ceramics. Our graduates also develop the research, critical thinking, and technical skills needed to become thriving creative professionals.
Program Highlights
Our program follows a rigorous, three-year course of study. The first two years of study include coursework in ceramics and electives in the School of Art and across the university. In the third year of study, students are responsible for developing, executing, and defending a project of their own design. Along with other School of Art MFA candidates, these projects culminate in an exhibition and/or presentation at the School of Art’s Ewing Gallery.
See Graduate Catalog for MFA details
See the School of Art Graduate Handbook for MFA details
Discovery requires the freedom to explore. Our MFA students have access to extensive facilities and individual studio spaces around campus.
Exhibition Opportunities
We encourage our graduate students to present their work publicly. There are regular opportunities to exhibit at Gallery 1010, Tennessee’s only off-campus, student-run gallery, and other local galleries.
The School of Art minimizes the financial burden of graduate studies by awarding teaching assistantships with a full tuition waiver, stipend, and health benefits to eligible students.
Artists in Residence and Visiting Artists and Scholars
Our students benefit from frequent interactions with accomplished artists in our prestigious Artist-in-Residence Program and Visiting Artists and Scholars Program.
Current Graduate Students in Ceramics

Faculty in Ceramics