Artwork of Christopher McNulty in Philadelphia Exhibit

The work of UT School of Art Director Christopher McNulty is on exhibition from October 28 through December 2, 2023, at Tiger Strikes Asteroid, Philadelphia, PA. The exhibit is titled SEEING THE ANTHROPOCENE.
Seeing the Anthropocene is a cross-venue exhibition (Tiger Strikes Asteroid and Cherry Street Pier galleries), curated by Philadelphia-based artist Julia Clift, featuring diverse artists and collaborative groups contending with the global climate crisis and other urgent environmental issues. Through wide-ranging media, the included works foster understanding of the moment we’re in, inspire personal connections with the natural world, and imagine different potential futures depending on how we act today. Highlights include never-before-seen works by eminent Philadelphia artists, a large-scale augmented reality piece over the Delaware River, and the first prototype of The Immersion Project—a collaboration between Temple University’s Cordes Laboratory and artists from across the country working to restore deep ocean habitats.
Artists and collaborations include: Austen Camille (with music by ENAensemble) | Lydia Cheshewalla | Matthew Colaizzo | Christopher McNulty | Ana Mosquera | Hui-Ying Tsai | Hui-Ying Tsai in collaboration with Jonathan Grover | Byron Wolfe | The Immersion Project: Austen Camille, Erik Cordes, Ph.D., Samantha Joye, Ph.D., Malte Leander, Christine Lee, and Rebecca Rutstein.
“The Anthropocene” is a new geological epoch that scientists have proposed to define the time we’re currently living in, when Earth’s dynamics have been permanently altered by human activities like burning fossil fuels, detonating nuclear weapons, and pollution. Hallmarks of the Anthropocene include catastrophic climate change, Through artworks ranging in style and tone, this exhibition illuminates humanity’s impact on the planet and shows how we are, in fact, part of nature rather than above it. Such understanding is key for a brighter future.
Opening Reception for the Tiger Strikes Asteroid Exhibition: November 9th, 6-9 PM at Tiger Strikes Asteroid.
The works of Christopher McNulty being exhibited are: Consistency IV (etching), Consistency V (graphite), Stain Image, and Stain Installation.